Everything about Belarus women and how to date these beauties…

Dana Glover
CEO of Global Matchmaking Agency Ltd.
There exists a popular point of view that Belarusians are searching for the better quality of life. There is a myth that because of bad economical situation in the country ladies prefer to get married with foreigners, but it is not a pure truth. The priority of these women isn’t financial stability, but stability in relations. They are looking for relations and attentive partner. Belarus women are the most charming and tender creatures and they will be good wives.
To begin with, this topic is rather bothering for lots of men all over the world. Due to the popularity of various online dating services, Belarus has opened from an angel of undiscovered country with lots of hidden surprises and peculiarities. That’s why, a lot of guys prefer to date ladies from this country and here in this article we will discuss the major reasons for this.
So, it’s better to understand that Belarus is Eastern Europe, but at the same time there are some cool ethnic peculiarities. The first thing to start from is beauty of these girls. They are the most charming and tender creatures. Their slim bodies, straight hair and gorgeous deep eyes will drive mad everybody. Belarus girls are usually dark haired, however everyone is different that’s why you will meet blond and red women as well. They tend to fascinate with this so called “deep inner charm”, which can be noticed without even talking to a person.
Also, these women are usually well educated. As a rule, after finishing schools they are definitely entering Universities. There are no discussions relating to the topic, because it is understandable for every young lady that education opens a great future, while on the contrary without it you will hardly work on a high-paid position. This fact proves that Belarusian women are so independent and goal oriented.
What are general expectations of Belarusians while dating?
So, women of Belarus want the same as others, family happiness, kids, attentive and loving husband and lots of others. Mutual understanding and some similarities in partners are also not the last thing. When returning to expectations, they want to meet a guy, who will be interested in the personality, but not in their physical beauty.
How to start relations with Belarus women?
If you are really interested in this topic and plan to date Eastern European brides, you’d better learn more about their identity and traditions. This will give you a general clue about how to approach these beauties and how to impress them.
The first peculiarity of these moldovan girls is they seem “cold” at first. But it is only a first impression, they are rather reserved and thoughtful when you have initial meeting. Personally, I appreciate this more than faked emotions. After this initial period, if lady really liked you, she will definitely show her inner passion and emotionality. Just wait and keep calm – this side of Belarus women will be opened to you.
Furthermore, they desperately want appreciation. Simply, show your girlfriend that you value her more than your time and she will be the happiest in the world. Maybe, sometimes men feel this appreciation, but they are afraid to show it in an exaggerate way.
One more important thing is love for charming outfits. They are so elegant and bother about looks so much and because of this they want that their partner do the same. Ladies pay attention to some details in the outfit and appreciate it.
They wish that boyfriends will treat them as princesses. So, you’d better open the door, help her to sit, pay for the bill and do other small things that will show your attitude. If you follow at least some of these recommendations, you will definitely have a successful first date.
Some cultural things when relating to marriage and dating
Of course Belarus women accept marriage seriously and want to find the best candidate. However, it doesn’t mean that if you have ideal relations, your marriage is near. Crucial thing in this question relates to parents. As in the past, they have huge influence over their children and would like only the better for them. So, try to impress her parents as well. However, the situations can be various and people are different, pay attention to your circumstances.
More traditional families with conservative attitude to marriage live farther from big cities. So, if you don’t want to ask permission for marriage or relations in her parents, you should consider women from cities, where formalities no longer work in such a way.
After a formal wedding, girls usually plan church ceremony with all the romantic details. Let’s mention once more that it is not a rule, but a common thing that you may expect while dating Belarus and American women.
Traditionally after the marriage, young couple lives with the bride’s family. It is like a necessary for some women to live with their parent. However, the positive thing when getting married with Belarus girls is that you won’t have extra spending on renting a flat or pay for food. Parents try to organize everything in the best possible way and help their children and grandchildren.
Where to find Belarusian women?
Of course, the first idea is to travel to this country and approach any woman you like. There is such a chance and maybe you will find your love in such a way; just by asking her phone number somewhere in the street. However, most Belarus women are rather conservative and it is hard to accept an invitation from an unknown person. If you are from another country, you will also have a language barrier that will hardly promote your further relations.
That’s why, the quickest and the most functional variant is online dating. There exist a huge number of online platforms that help single people to find their partner. Simply, decide what type of relations do you want (flirty or serious) and start searching for the needed resource. If you pick really cool website, your percentage of success is way higher.
Lots of information is online about how to choose the best dating platforms and some recommendations. Google it and you will get all the needed info. Please, pay attention to secure platforms with no scammers and only checked ladies in the catalogue. Otherwise, you will just spend lots of time in vain.
There may be one more situation, you would like to date Belarus girls, but you aren’t 100 percent sure. In such a case, you’d better sign up on a resource where you can have friendly relations with these women without anything meaningful. After some period of time, you will get an idea about these ladies and will decide to continue your search or stop at this point.
Why are so many beauties interested in dating foreigners?
Some guys think, it is suspicious why so many pretty vietnamese women cannot find their partner in their country. However, there are several explanations to this fact. Just go on reading this paragraph.
Belarus is in crises now. So many young and clever people are escaping it for a better future. So except of economical instability, young people leave this country and there are less chances to find a match. Because of these, so many women have signed up on dating resources and are looking for an ideal foreign partner. Don’t accept it in a wrong way. These women aren’t money oriented and they don’t look for a reach husband, they just want to have stability in life.
Moreover, there is a percentage of ladies who just doesn’t want to date Belarus men. Maybe it occurred due to bad experience or useless relations that lead to nowhere.
Life situations can be various, depending on a case and especially on a person. So, if you are interested in this topic and you want to know your lady’s motivation, just talk with her about it. There shouldn’t be any secrets from you in this part. Belarus women just like to find the reason for everything and they will gladly support such a conversation.
Why are Belarus women considered to be good wives?
Many factors can prove that these women are good wives and mothers. The first one is of course their love for clearness and decorations. They bother so much about their house and about the food they eat. So, you wife will definitely cook delicious suppers and clear the house by herself.
The next thing is their family plan. These women are upbringing with an understanding that family is top priority for a girl. That’s why, you can meet really young girl who is so motivated to build serious relations right now.
As you’ve probably noticed, these ladies are just gorgeous and you’d better harry up and register your account on a dating platform, because Belarus men will approach your ideal candidate. Relations and marriage are those strong values that motivate young pretty women to get marriage earlier than other European girls.