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1,5 is an online dating agency that helps men from Western Europe, Canada, and the United States as well as other countries talk to and meet with women from Eastern Europe, predominantly Ukraine.

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Conversations take place over email, and video chat and men and women can arrange to meet if they want to, with helping facilitate any visit, arranging travel for example, or translators. Main Features Reviewed offer a range of features, some of which are for free, but the majority of which you will need to pay for. These features include sending emails, known as letters, which you can decorate if you would like, video chats, photo shoots, and telephone calls. They will also arrange for you to send flowers and gifts and for language classes for the women you are interested in as well as translation services. Pros and Cons Reviewed

  • An attractive site with a lot of good-looking women on the landing page

  • Offers free access to some features, though these are limited

  • A complicated pricing structure which could mean you pay a lot more than you expect when signing up for free

  • The site is hard to navigate, and the information is not always easily available, e.g. on prices

  • Most of the reviews of this dating site are negative, suggesting poor quality service and potential scams Prices Reviewed

You need to buy credits to purchase most features on this site, and the cost of credits and the number you need will vary based on the feature you want to access, which is complicated and confusing. To send and receive one email, for example, will cost you one email credit. 

Cost (USD)
1 email credit
200 email credits
$699 ($3.49 per a credit)
1 video credit
100 video credits
$299 ($2.99 per a credit)
10 min video chat
30 min video conferences
30 min telephone call

Overall: is a Scam or Trusted Site?

While the site offers free sign-up, which is something that will appeal to many, there is little you can do for the free on this site and the pricing structure, as outlined above, makes understanding what using the site to find love will actually cost. reviews suggest that this cost could be high and that many people who signed up were not prepared for just how expensive features could be.

Reviews also show that the site has a lot of negative feedback from customers who believe they were part of a scam, despite no-scam policy. Some were contacted directly by women they later found out were in relationships with other men, sometimes even married, and that these women asked them to buy them gifts or pay for classes so they could learn English, leaving them out of pocket with no relationships to show in return.

  • Easy to use
  • Easy registration
  • Number of accounts
  • Quality of profiles
  • Simplicity of search
  • Customer Support
  • Price
  • Financial Security


  • InnovationFeatures


  • ServicesVariety


  • Scam


  • Free photoaccess


  • Free messagesending


  • Two-way videochat



  • Free to use (partly)
  • Attractive landing page
  • Not very intuitive navigation
  • High risk of scammers
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User reviews (8)

Jul 11, 2021 at 3:12 PM

Guys,I have been with UADreams since 2015 , so long story short , these are my experiences :- Don't try to divide girls as honest or tricky or good or bad , they are simply all the same , they work with the agency and they are accomplices with this professionally designed scam box ! There is no bride here ! This is just a source for making money for the girls ! Even if there are some honest ones , they are never allowed to meet a guy or talk to a guy directly , these are all controlled by the agency ! So don't waste your time and money on a super scam agency which has no sympathy or Empathy for you! I have said that before in my 2019 trip to Ukraine , everything is designed to milk you guys by all.means ! You are dealing with a bunch of nationalists who have no dignity or morals , they look at foreigners as a lorry full of paper notes and there want their share by all.means ! there is no emotions or conscience involved ! - I just came back from Ukraine and I did try to meet up with some who were in love with me and wanted to build a life !, None of them accepted the invitation for meeting and they just ran away as soon as they found out that I am already in Ukraine !- I know many girls who have been with the site for almost 6-7 years ! So ask yourself if they are genuine with their intentions for having a family ! Many of the new girls have already left the site after finding out that this train is going nowhere ! So the left overs are only scammers and gold diggers ! Be my guest, carry on with your adventures and you will be insulted and humiliated ! Why because you are scammed by a bunch of emotional prostitutes ! They don't worth nothing and you are paying to have love with somebody who can not spell LOVE! You will be amazed when you find out that LOVE doesn't really play a role in their family life in Ukraine ! They are just good imitators ! They mimic what ever western people say or do to create the sense of genuity, and the loser is you to believe them ! - You probably heard about the Schengen zone in Europe and European economical countries , and that Ukraine has been denied to Join with Europe for many years ! You know why ? Because Ukraine is the source of scam.and corruption in Europe and I can assure you that is the main reason for not being accepted by Europe ! So European governments are aware of what type of people they are dealing with ! Be careful !- Always remember this when decide to join a dating agency or marriage agency in Ukraine and particularly Uadreams and victoriyaclub, that even local people on streets in Ukraine will laugh at you and how naive you are ! These scam activities are well known and popular in Ukraine ! - I have said this before , I have been living and working in Russian speaking countries for 10 years and after that I have had many trips to again Russian speaking countries . You as a foreigner and particularly from the US and Europe , are just like infants to these people ! They will eat you alive when it comes to playing tricks and scamming ! Just think twice before you carry on with your adventures ! Many people have done this before and the best way for you is to just listen and read carefully and use their experiences instead of making your own experience ! Believe me there have been many smarter guys than you who failed to get to anywhere with these dating agencies ! The only destination was bankruptcy and wasting time !- As for UADREAM , never forget one simple point, and that is , regardless of how honest or innocent some girls are or whether they want genuinely to marry a foreigner or not , the decision is made by the agency ! So you will never get to see a girl or be in direct contact with a girl ! Unless you have already spent lots of money ! The reason for them to let you meet a girl is to milk you further, and not to let you marry the girl ! These girls are their properties and sourse of income !The reason why guys say the girl was too cold in the meeting is that, she is not even aware of the communications between you and the her ! Because she is not the one who sends the letters , they can easily pay the girl in the photo for one day or a few hours to meet you and then everything goes back to the same way it was before the meeting ! - Do you really think that a Ukrainian girl can write you all those beautiful letters with nice literature talking about the sun and weather and how their vacation in Caribbean island was fabulous ! You are really naive if you think so ! Even native English people can't write those letters ! To do so , you should have at least a bachelor degree in English language or literature ! You have been scammed by the translators for years man! Don't believe even one word from them ! -in 2019 , I could manage to locate a girl in Sumy, I found her working place and also her phone number ! :) Don't ask how ? I had my connection and most of all I know Russian language ! The girl went crazy and all she wanted to know was how I could do that ! She offered to reconsider relationship if I tell her how I found her ! What was my decision? I didn't tell her and left the town since I was sure that she would use the info for the future same issues and how to prevent that ! I could easily predict her next moves and she was reporting everything to the agency ! So they learn from us guys , we are the one who fed them and taught to cheat and scam us, by talking about our personal life and what type of idiots we are ! ( sorry ! But that is true )- I have said this before , if you want a Ukrainian wife or girlfriend you need to be there physically ! You should go to Ukraine and stay there at least for a month's or two while you are focusing on learning the language ! There is no chance for you to find a wife in Ukraine if you don't know the language or not present there ! By learning the language you just raise your chance but if you stay there for a while there are.lots of opportunities to meet English speaking girls who are working with tourist agencies or in cafes or restaurants ! So forget about the dating agencies and move on with real life ! I just came back from Kiev , was there for 20 days , had lots of fun, boom boom and also some acquaintance !:) One of them become my guide and we were almost everyday together when she was free from work. I am 55 and I was dating 30 years(I am in good shape though:) ) , considering the fact that there were many more younger candidates who I didn't really pay attention and almost ignored them.because of age gap ! One more thing , you know that Ukraine is Europe's Thailand ?So stop living virtually and inject some real stuff in your life , don't waste your time and money on Uadreams of Victoriyaclub or any other agencies and if you really want to have a wife or girlfriend from Ukraine , just buy your ticket and go there ! One thing to consider before your trip, don't go there if you are broke or have no income , they have already got lots of jobless and broke people ! I have seen some young guys there from the US jobless or doing remote work for a few dollars per day and looking for girlfriend ! It doesn't work that way ! You are a man and should have money in your pocket when you go after girls ! This is the mentality ! But it doesn't mean that you have to take them to expensive restaurants or buy them luxury gifts ,No , it just means that you have to take care of daily expenses with your girl ! Normal expenses , restaurant , beach , drink, maybe taxi, some normal gifts if you want to stay with her ! Stay away from those gold diggers interested in luxury restaurants or places ! Ask me anything you want and I will gladly answer your questions ! Wish you all luck in your search for love !:)

Sep 13, 2020 at 9:33 PM

You get lured to this site by a woman at a legitimate site. Apparently they get a cut of the money spent on them so they act very accepting and complimentary to get you to sign up with UADreams.Don't fall for this. If you just want to talk to sexy girls with no hope any real contact go to a porn site.

michael otto
Jul 30, 2020 at 12:16 AM

I gave the extra star because at least the women are, in fact, real and because it seems that they might be using the money for some charitable causes. Those are the only upsides I see. It's all downhill from there. There's just so many red flags, I don't know where to begin. As a rule though, be smart and stay CLEAR away from ANY of these sites that ask you to pay-per-letter. Don't even entertain the option. You've been warned.Now that that's out of the way...First thing problem is the customer service. There's no clear option to cancel your own account. HUGE red flag, right off the bat. When you do ask them to remove your profile, you will receive responses from admin about not being hasty, etc. If you press them enough they'll merely "disable" your profile at best. They try to connive you to stay. I STILL haven't been able to get them to delete my profile. EVERY website known to man has an option to cancel/delete your account should you no longer wish to use. Here, you don't even get the choice. As such, this site clearly has an agenda to keep you on there in hopes you'll stay a pay-pig to their VERY overpriced "services". None of these services are a benefit to you, the customer. $7 for each letter sent for translation?! Dude, Google Translate is free and it's pretty dang good. This is 2020 and we are (technologically!) more connected than we have ever been, there's no reason to pay ANYONE online to translate a stinking letter for you. $5 per photo? These are not even high definition photos. They're iPhone 4 quality--not BAD, but not $5 worth for ONE. Chat is basically a $1 a minute (with a $14.95 minimum for 13 minutes total). My friends, the whole thing reeks of a scam.The ladies? Like other websites like this, you'll be inundated over time with random emails (not as bad as Anastasiadate..they take the cake!); take note and stay away from the profiles that you see online at any given time or that email you first....those are DEFINITELY the scammers/professional "daters". Luckily, I knew this right off the bat and never wasted my time. I only messaged the women that were never online unless you had mailed them or invited them. However, after some time, the main girl I was messaging for about 2 months had excuses as to why she could not video chat. One was the classic "internet is too slow here" excuse. Total bull. The next 3 girls were better about consistent face-to-face communication in video chat, but I noticed something else...they seemed to be talking to, or typing to other people. I could see typing and mouthing conversations, but them not replying to a thing I'm saying. One appeared to be speaking perfect English, mouthing a compliment to my physical appearance. Throughout the conversation, I could see (the last 3 girls) eyes shifting around to different parts of the screen, likely talking to multiple people. Red flags.The mails? Red flags. You'll often you'll see mixtures of sms and emails if you have gone back and forth enough times with one woman. The sms texts (from the same girl) will be totally different in personality to the emails she sends--it's like you're strangely talking to two different people in two different mannerisms. You'll also find that after talking to a woman through video chat, the next emails will lack any reference to anything you talked about in chat the day before. As a matter of fact, you could leave the chat within a minute or two (seeing that she's CLEARLY not paying attention to your interaction exclusively) and find the next email from her will be like this: "Hi dear! I missed you so much, I had a great chat with you! I know that now I want to have a serious relationship with you! you are so interesting to me!". Are you kidding me...what chat?? I exited it the moment I noticed you were typing to someone else! That has been a consistent theme in my experience, letting me know you are just another patron in which they butter up in these sweet, but banal phrases knowing that most guys will get hypnotized by the unusually kind words. Most men nowadays know that women now have so many options (through social media especially), that they many are rude and disinterested if you're not clearly of successful status and generous about it.Luckily for me, I neither went too deep into the rabbit hole, nor have any interest in Ukraine other than seeing the famed beauty of the women. Put simply, it's not nearly enough for me to spend money to pay for a trip and/or to be scammed further. I'm sure Ukrainians know why so many foreign men are there, so they are willing to exploit it because its a quick and dirty scheme that has a high success rate. Always remember that any woman that is actually interested in YOU will find any way to communicate with you. No website is going to dissuade them from finding some way to reciprocate contact unless they have something to gain by it, i.e, losing you as a pay-pig. The girls on UADREAMS will give you some excuse as to why this is and say "its for my safety" etc. Uhm, what about my safety as a customer and the integrity and transparency of these transactions??! Why do I have to pay such high fees only to not get the ABSOLUTE confirmation that the person I'm mailing/video chatting with is genuine? Having video chatted enough times, I know that even seeing their face on video is not enough verification. These women, by definition, are being pimped. I have heard stories of a guy who met a Ukrainian girl in REAL LIFE who referred him to this site to continue speaking with her....That tells you everything.

Frank Peletz
Dec 08, 2019 at 3:23 PM

To tell the truth , I don't know if it is a scam site or not . What I can tell you that a lot of the girls you see on other sites are not on here and in 3 month I have only a hand full of letters-not 300 a day and most are within a reasonable age bracket. Like I said ,I am undecided. The last site I belong to had one woman I wrote to over 2 years. As with this site were videos that cost. In that time she had money issues a addition to her family and was writing to other men same as with me- HE IS A FRIEND. Time will tell, but I do personally know of 3 men who found their wifes online from dateing sites - but it cost LOST OF MONEY>

Oct 01, 2018 at 7:08 PM

They refuse the exchange of personal contact details, even if both parties are willing to do this they do not allow it.This is enough for me to refuse to have anything to do with a site like this.

Feb 05, 2018 at 5:02 AM

Okay experience. I joined this site sometime back, and have talked to several females on this since then, most of which has been a pleasant experience. Just like there is no surety in real dating, there is no surety in online dating as well. You have to trust your instincts, and, keep away from girls who look extremely beautiful, because there are huge chances of them being a scammer. While chatting, you should always keep your mind open, and leave the conservation as soon as you see a red flag. There have been cases with me where girls have asked for money. Now, helping your girlfriend with money is one thing, and trusting a stranger whom you have met online is totally different thing. So, leave the conversation as soon as a girl asks for money. Moreover, I have visited Ukraine, and I assure you that not every other girl there is a model, but, Uadreams wants you to believe otherwise, that is why the site is filled with extremely good-looking women, who to me look like scammers. My advice – stay away from them, and always trust your instincts.

Natan R
Nov 01, 2017 at 4:56 AM

A big scam. I have come across really weird women on this site, and all this point to only one thing that – 'this site is a scam'. So I met a really nice, sweet girl on another site, and two days into the conversation she asks me to join uadreams. I explained her that I was not interested in joining a paid site, especially when I am a member of several free dating sites. But, she would simply not listen. She would send me various mails to join uadreams, and just out of curiosity I got myself registered on this site.I made a profile, and left it practically empty. There was no profile picture…no nothing, still I started getting messages from beautiful ladies wanting to interact with me, but, as soon as I checked, I found there are charges for using every single feature. There are charges for messaging, video calling, sending flowers…..and every other single thing. Boy…why would someone be willing to pay so much for the services which are free on other websites.

Aug 27, 2017 at 2:36 PM

Website full of weird peopleI registered myself on the site, but, made sure not to fill anything, except my age – which is 46. And, the next I got a message from a beautiful 21 year old girl, who had looks of a model. And this girl wanted to marry me, without even seeing my profile photo. Isn’t it weird? I mean I have kids her age. And which girl addresses a stranger as his future husband, and wants to have kids with him??? With this, the first message was filled a number of “I miss you”s, I mean how do you miss someone you have never met before? Weird…right? Some people might find it weird, but, I feel it is all a scam, and, the girl is not for real.

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