What Should You Expect When Dating a Russian vs. American Woman?

In the Western world, many men can’t stop thinking about dating Russian women. The interest they developed towards women from Russia is down to various sources. Often, they consider it exotic to date these fine women. At times, the peculiarities of the two cultures cause men to show interest in diving headlong into the Russian dating phenomenon. There is a difference between women from these two countries, as you will see below in this article.


American women and Russian women view feminism inversely. In Western Society, for instance, it has been vibrant for close to 50 years. The situation is different in Russia, though.

American women feel more liberated thus highly likely to focus on their careers rather than families. In the US or any other western country, it’s normal for any woman to prioritize building a highly successful career. In more families, they’re even breadwinners while men focus on housekeeping, babysitting including other household chores.

Russian women are yet to fully embrace emancipation because of their patriarchal upbringing. They grow up with the teaching that their life goal is to be good wives for their husbands, as men are the main people in their lives.


Russian dating is different from American dating in terms of culture. The American women feel emancipated and more self-reliant, see no problem in picking guys up instead of waiting for them to make the first approach. In this case, they are more approachable. Conversely, Russians have traditional views where courting is concerned. You can take a girl out on a date after chatting up with her and you will realize how challenging the whole experience is. Averagely, the girl will need several months to realize that she loves you despite dating her online.

Even if she likes you, the relationship will not develop as fast as you would like. Take charge of organizing the first date if you wish to impress her. Understand her likes. Understand what she would consider a great first date too.

Typically, Russian women don't initiate dating. They want men to make the first step.

Russian women love gifts. They consider gifts a representation of the attitude and feelings you have towards them. Russian dating is incomplete without gifts and flowers. Choose your gifts carefully. Impress the Russian woman by meeting her expectations where gifts are concerned.

Family Approach

Childfree movements are a common feature of the emancipated western world. Western women obsess over their careers and use this to avoid having babies. Their busy lives make it difficult to find time for taking care of babies. That said, it’s not uncommon to find western women with the perfect work-life balance. 

Russian women consider the family their biggest priority. They love being with their families. They do whatever it takes to ensure the family remains united. The women’s patriarchal upbringing causes them to work towards being good wives and equally good mothers.

What is more, Russian women respect their husbands. They believe husbands and wives are equal.


In the US, self-comfort is highly sought after thus making many American women feel nothing about impressing their boyfriends with their looks. Typically, an American girl would only need minimal makeup and casual clothes to go out. The main reason for this is that American women are mostly interested in their life achievements and their inner-side rather than looks and what they wear.

Similarly, Russian ladies believe inner-side is more important than appearance. Nevertheless, they do not take appearance lightly. “Met by clothes, seen off by a mind”, a famous Russian proverb, proves this quite well. Russian woman knows that she cannot make a first positive impression through her intelligence since those she meets examine her visually first.

Typical Russian girls never leave home without any makeup. They spend time and money on their appearance. They are passionate about fashionable clothes. Anybody taking public transport in Russia would notice the many women wearing costly attires. The combination of the natural beauty of these girls and such wonderful attitudes towards appearance showcases why men from western nations aren’t holding back anything to pursue Russian dating.


Russian ladies are highly educated compared to their American colleagues. Russians have embraced a culture of compulsory education while Americans haven’t. Education was prestigious when the country was still the Soviet Republic. Most Russians considered graduating from a university the primary goal in life. It is little wonder that most Russian are highly educated with some university-level degree. Almost all graduates from Russian schools proceed to university.

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