How to recognize a fraudster from a dating site on the first letter

Did you know that on international dating sites a lot of scammers? How it works: residents of Russia and other countries create fake profiles, fall in love with women and lure money from them under various pretexts. To do this, they manipulate, cheat, impersonate other people, lure promises of gifts and moving to permanent residence in a luxurious mansion. This is already an entire industry, scammers are working on the flow, and the tricks are easy to get caught. That's how I defended myself.

Style of scammers’ communication 

If it seems to you that you received a message from the ideal man, you most likely encountered a fraudster. Usually such a scheme works: scammers write a template universal text that will affect all women. This text is sent massively to all new women on the site. If someone responds, they begin personal work with the ultimate goal of raising money. The first distribution is such networks, an attempt to identify the most gullible ladies. In the first letter the man will speak only good about himself, the letter itself will be stereotyped and impersonal, there will be no references to your profile.

If they write something about you, then the most about your eyes. The calculation is very simple: almost everyone has eyes, and even if the woman is unhappy with her figure, she will definitely not give up the compliment to her eyeballs. If your new companion is drowning in the pool of your eyes - an occasion to ponder.

Scammers often call themselves romantics, very honest, hardworking, to appear to be goodies. Most often they are represented by doctors and rescuers. There may be another profession, but it is necessarily unusual, for example, an airplane pilot. The most popular work of the swindler is a doctor. Another on-duty bike is a widower who brings up children alone. The general feeling of such messages from the reader should be this: this person has a difficult life, so he needs not just a woman, but a special one, "lady of the heart." If you have such an impression, sound an alarm.

Other signs of mass fraudulent mailings

  • A man does not ask you questions, he only talks about himself.
  • A man from the very first message is looking for a serious relationship, a life partner, he is serious.
  • The man does not have bad habits, he does sports.
  • A man lives in a prosperous European country, he has property and a highly paid job, but at the same time he gets acquainted on an international website.
  • All this is like a fairy tale.

Of course, a man who is serious about getting acquainted, too, can start with a template letter. But there will not be such romantic words about yourself that scammers use. Successful scammers understand that emotions make a person vulnerable and less sensitive to the truth. Your task is to remain calm until a real meeting. It is easy to say, but it is not easy to carry out, especially for those who are fundamentally important to get married as soon as possible. Even if you fall in love with your correspondence partner, do not take any action before a real meeting. Otherwise, you can get caught in one of the fraudulent schemes.

Be careful when registering on dating sites. We picked up several services for you, not noticed in fraud or immediately suppress illegal actions of users:

Basic Fraud Schemes

"We really need money for the treatment of a relative"

This scam uses this scheme when he realizes that you believe in his love and trust him completely. Therefore, a man needs to rub himself into your confidence, talk about how beautiful you and your children are. It seems that no woman in her right mind will send money to a man she has never seen in her life. So it seems everyone, until they fall into the clutches of experienced scammers. These guys are well aware of the typical psychological wounds of Russian women, they know how to grope and use them. Well, when a woman has friends with whom you can discuss the situation: people from the side immediately see the absurdity of the moment. But often women on dating sites are lonely, scammers emotionally swing them - and now they are standing in the office of the "Western Union". If you refuse to provide financial assistance, the fraudster will disappear. You drop out of his list of promising simpletons, he switches his attention to others. Remember that a fraudster in the processing of several women at once and spend on you unnecessary time, he will not.

"I have had trouble with me"

The fraudster writes that he was in a difficult situation, and asks you to help him with money. If you refuse, the man will most likely ask you very much, then he will start bargaining (to reduce the amount), and then he will completely disappear. "Send me a text message to a short number." The man says that now he is in extreme conditions, for example, in the mountains, and only sms can reach him to a short number. If you send an SMS to this short number, then an unusually large amount will be charged off your account.

"Send money for a ticket"

The fraudster says he really wants to visit you, but he can not afford it financially. He asks for a money transfer, which he will spend to buy tickets to your city. Suggest him this option: he tells you his name and surname (you can ask for a passport photo), and you buy a ticket on the airline's website. If a man refuses, then most likely he deceives you. 

Deception with duty

A man asks your address and full name to "send a gift." You only have to pay the customs duty - transfer money to a settlement account, which he will tell you. Often this is a bank account or a Kiwi wallet. Of course, you can actually send a gift. The fact of fraud indicates the request to transfer money to a certain account. There is one more psychological nuance. You might think that 1790 rubles of duty - this is nonsense, you can pay. But scammers have this put on stream, so they are happy with such small amounts. To pay the state fee, you must receive an official notification from the customs broker. To be sure that you are not being deceived, contact the customs office directly.

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