Psychologists explained how to choose the perfect photo for dating sites

Australian experts representing the University of New South Wales in Sydney, suggested that when registering on a dating site on a social network, a photo for their profile should not be chosen on their own. Also, experts do not recommend and seek advice from close friends. According to scientists, the best recommendation in this case could be given by a stranger.

By posting a photo on a social network, many realize that this image can be judged by unfamiliar people - including potential employers. If a person decided to register on a dating site, then, as the name implies, he, first of all, would like to impress strangers. Some vietnamese dating sites, such as RussianBrides, GloriaBrides, ElenasmodelsAnastasiaDate knowing this, themselves conduct a photo moderation before posting in profiles. Therefore, if you think about it, the advice to "charge" the choice of a photograph to someone whom a person does not personally know, looks logical. However, experts confirmed their conclusions not only with theoretical inferences but also with a series of experiments.

The scientists selected 102 students who volunteered to take part in the experiment and asked each of them to provide 12 of their photos. Among these photos, volunteers should choose the most unsuccessful, and the most suitable for placement in a social network or on a mexican dating site. Students evaluated their own pictures and photos of each other.

Then the researchers did put on the Internet as the best photo of each participant in his own opinion, as well as the one that the most successful person recognized as "from the outside." As it turned out, photos selected by strangers were several times more popular.

In the future, specialists plan to conduct additional, more extensive studies on this topic in order to test their conclusions and try to better understand what exactly such results can be explained.

The scientific work, devoted to the data already received, was published in the journal Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications.

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