Be careful, scammers!

Be careful. Many unscrupulous persons consider dating on the Web a fairly lucrative business, enriching themselves at the expense of unsuspecting correspondence partners. Others may be disinterested, but have unscrupulous plans for your account.

On dating sites you can face such dangers as: 

Fraud on trust (the so-called "scam") 

Usually the scheme looks like this: in the first stage a virtual romance is tied-at times quite long and frank, but not going to real meetings. And then the partner suddenly has some serious problems that require a large amount of money, which, of course, no one else can ask for. Scamer can tell a pitiful story of an urgent operation, without which he will die, or that he is being pursued by bandit creditors. Most often this is served as the only reason why a meeting of beloved is not yet possible. Of course, after the trusting victim, shedding tears of compassion, sends money, the hero-lover disappears, and the girl remains with nothing. By the way, men are not less likely to fall victim to fraudsters on trust. Our dating experts suggest that these websites can have fake profiles and there is a risk of scam, be carefull:


Another common type of deception concerns girls wishing to engage with a partner living abroad. At first, everything goes well, and when the swindler invites the girl to visit, she, not expecting a dirty trick, agrees to buy tickets (and sometimes even vouchers) in the chosen "profitable" travel company. After payment, both the firm and the prospective partner disappear. 


In no case is it advisable to send even a very pretty person candid photos or other materials compromising you. Otherwise, at some point you may be faced with a choice: either a large sum of your money goes to the account of a blackmailer, or the materials will be made public. 

False data in the profile

Communication on the Web assumes the possibility to mislead the interlocutor, laying out other people's photos or information about themselves that is not true. It is not ruled out that with the profile of a young man looking for a serious relationship, the esteemed father of the family communicates with you, who wanted to diversify his life a little. And you did not suspect! 

Collectors and sex tourists

If you are not tuned to a fleeting intrigue, this does not mean that the prospective partner, despite all his positive qualities, will not stop right after his close acquaintance in search of the next ideal. Yes, he sees the purpose of dating on your profile. Yes, he understands what he is doing. No, he's not ashamed. Among the visitors of specialized sites there are many people who perceive one-night-stand as a kind of sport, increase their self-esteem by increasing the number of partners or simply can not decide what he needs in a relationship. In fairness, it's worth saying that in reality you are also not insured against this.

A green snake and a dark horse 

Even if the completed profile provides a lot of information and a lot of details, getting acquaintedon the site, you still buy a cat in a poke. Let's say you pulled out a lucky ticket, and your network friend did not turn out to be a criminal, a polygamist or a fraudster. However, do not relax: for any person it is natural to try to hide unattractive information about your person when meeting you. Try to find out as much as possible about who you are talking to: mentally unstable or prone to domestic violence, people sometimes talk about their "peculiarities" during a personal conversation. Alcoholics too. 

Acquaintance in the Network does not mean that you will necessarily become a victim of scammers. In the end, many happy couples met through the Internet. We are sure that, after listening to our advice, you will find your happiness.

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