How to Succeed in Online Dating After 45: 10 Tips for Men

How to succeed in online dating after 45? Is there anything special about dating at a certain age or do the same rules apply? Read all the tips, tricks, and hacks!

The flowering of human creative activity comes after the age of 45. Modern psychologists argue that this age isn't the twilight of life but the most flourishing period. At this age, men are wise, and they have gained a lot through experience. At the same time, they have not lost the urge to try something new. In addition, the current state of medicine and the popularity of a healthy lifestyle allow men and women to remain young and healthy long after 45 years. Unfortunately, not everyone has found their soulmate by the age of 45, and those who have may have already lost them. But this is not the end of everything. Modern technology makes it easier for you to still have your chance at finding love. There are thousands of Russian brides and Ukrainian women of the same age on the Internet that still do not lose a chance to meet a partner online. So, let's take a look at how a man over the age of 45 succeeds at online dating.

  1. Keep up to Date

Most likely, you have been out of the game for several years. Therefore, it is important that you understand the rules of the dating game today and how it is played. Before you start dating, you need to prepare yourself. Today, dating has become easier and more accessible than it was 10 to 20 years ago. But, since the information on the Internet is in the public domain, it is most likely that your future match will try to find out some additional information about you. You'd better check your old social media profiles in advance. You should also try to make a woman think that you prefer a healthy lifestyle and that you are an active and interesting person while she googles you.

  1. Do Not Doubt Your Attractiveness

You may have less hair now than you used to, find some wrinkles on your face and a wider waist, but just remember that you have not become less attractive because of this. Indeed, it is quite the opposite: you are more experienced and wise now. Therefore, you have become more confident than you were 10 or 20 years ago. Confidence is the male trait that attracts women the most. Even an elderly woman needs to feel safe, and this is something that only a confident man can give her.

  1. Freshen Yourself Up

A good appearance will definitely help you feel even more confident. So, start going to a gym and go to a barber to make your haircut look modern and match your image. If you have a beard, it should also look well-groomed.

Like most men, you probably do not like shopping. Still, you may need to update your wardrobe. Fortunately, it is not necessary to go to the mall in the 21st century as you can do shopping online, try clothes at home, and return them if they don’t fit you.

  1. Use New Photos

Now you are ready to create a profile on a dating website. The first thing a woman pays attention to is your photo. It is better if you are happy in a laid-back environment in your photos. It is important to upload a fresh photo that was taken no more than 18 months ago. A woman will feel cheated if you post a photo when you are 30 years old. In this case, your relationship will end after the first meeting.

If you want to post photos from past trips or other past events that are meaningful to you, write the year the photo was taken.

Do not leave your profile without a photo as this will cause suspicion in women. They will be uncomfortable communicating with you.

  1. Be Positive When Creating Your Profile

Communication is easier if a person is cheerful and positive. Therefore, you should not describe how hard it was for you to experience a previous breakup or how lonely you feel now. Of course, you can share your experience, but point out that it made you stronger. Women love men for their scars. Tell them about your hobbies and how they have changed over time. Be honest and open.

  1. Pay Attention to Her Profile

Before you write to a woman, look at her profile. Perhaps you will find information that will make you change this decision. You can also learn about her interests, hobbies, or recent relationships. Photos can also tell you a lot. For example, whether or not she has children, how she spends her free time, and so on. Try and find common interests with a woman so it would be easier to start a conversation.

  1. Write First

Don't expect women to write to you first. No doubt, there are many ladies brave enough among elderly women to text first. Still, they will appreciate it if you start the conversation. In a woman’s mind, a man should be the initiator of the relationship. Be original and try to use the information found on her profile.

  1. Be Active

Ask questions and show interest in a woman’s personality. Show that you want to know her better. Don’t forget to talk about yourself as well. Keep the dialogue going and make statements that make it easy for a woman to continue the conversation. Remember that it is equally boring to communicate with people who do not tell you anything and with those who constantly talk about themselves.

  1. What Is Unacceptable?

There are some topics that should not be touched during dating. At the top of the list are her financial situation and past relationships. This will make a woman feel suspicious. Discussing past relationships can be frustrating for her. Don't aim to have heated discussions about politics or religion. Do not try to teach her as she has also had a certain experience in life. Do not push her into something she doesn’t want to do. Remember that if she is uncomfortable communicating with you, she will simply start to ignore you.

  1. Do Not Delay the Date

When you start to get closer and feel that the woman is interested in you, invite her on a date. It is best to get her number first and call her. Having a conversation on the phone will make it harder for her to turn you off. Choose a neutral location. Remember that the first date should not be too long. You're just checking each other out. Invite a woman for a cup of coffee or an exhibition at a gallery. Make sure that the woman knows how to get to the place.

A Few Recommendations for a Successful Date

Some things never change. Arrive at the destination before the woman to take care of the table in the cafe and make sure you’re not keeping a woman waiting. Offer to pay the bill. Get her to a taxi if she's going home. If you accompany her home, make sure that she enters the house safely.

Pay attention to the first impression. When the woman finally comes to you, stand up and greet her with a smile. Take care of your appearance and breath as this will affect the quality of your conversation. Turn off your phone and check for missed calls only when the woman goes to the restroom.

In the end, just be you, be sincere, and enjoy the pleasant female company.

If you still feel biased against dating apps or websites and think that they can affect your mental health and cause depression or bad mood, check out our 11 tips on how to survive dating app anxiety.

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